Vanilla Deluxe: Legacy UI Packs

| Textures

  • Android: 8,0+
    🕣 Updated
  • Category
  • Vanilla Deluxe: Core UI
  • Download

A texture pack called Vanilla Deluxe: Legacy UI Packs repeatedly optimizes the user interface and other aspects of the sand world of Minecraft. The add-on includes improved textures in its assembly when using the inventory. The menu format that currently works in Java Edition was chosen as the title example. After that, the user interface will work much more efficiently and not carry unnecessary details.

But don't confuse this texture with the graphical interface taken from the Java Edition. This is just a simple tool that allows gamers to effortlessly import textures from the main version of Minecraft. An indicator of build quality is that the package has been updated and supplemented with new features for 8 years.

Main innovations:

  • Fixed bugs affecting optimization;
  • Improved design for user interface;
  • Notifications appeared in textures;
  • Can work with the latest versions of the game.

Android, iOS

Compatibility with versions:
Price $0

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