Map: Sovenok resort
| Maps
Map Minecraft:
- Android: 8,0+🕣 Updated
- CategoryMaps
Map Sovenok resort offers the opportunity to become the hero of the game " Endless Summer " and go to the resort camp, which unfolded the plot events of this visual novel. The map is a sanatorium of the Soviet period, completely transferred from the game. On the territory of the camp there are residential buildings, utility blocks and entertainment areas.
In addition to construction sites, the place is complemented by beautiful beaches, a railway, as well as mysterious catacombs to be explored.
The author of the add-on, under the nickname HitPlay, tried to transfer the in-game atmosphere of this place in detail, and he should be given credit - the map is gorgeous!
Android, iOS
- publishedMceadmin
Price $0
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