Mod: Tremors

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  • Android: 8,0+
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  • Tremors
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If you think the deserts in Minecraft are a quiet place, you are wrong! Mod Tremors is an add-on that will radically change desert biomes, adding very dangerous and bloodthirsty creatures to them. These parasites have a fearsome appearance, sharp teeth and high health. Therefore, it is advised to be careful in deserted locations.



  • HP reserve - 100 units.
  • Attack - 10-15 units.
  • Drops slime balls when killed.

Graboids are a new type of dangerous monster that lives in the Badlands. Most often from can be found in the dark. They find their victims by vibration. Their place of residence is the sand, from which they periodically get out to grab their prey, after which they hide back.

If the prey is at a great distance from the Graboid, then to defeat the victim, they use a poison tongue, with which they attract the prey to themselves.

These creatures pose a high danger to all life forms (except their own kind), including other monsters. Crouch to dodge the attack.

El Blanco

  • HP reserve - 170 units.
  • Attack - 10-15 units.
  • Drops slime balls when killed.

El Blanco is a mutation of an ordinary graboid. The spawn chance of this creature is very small and is 10%. Unlike the usual graboid, this monster is much stronger and more dangerous. The main difference is that they cannot reproduce.


  • HP reserve - 30 units.
  • Attack - 3-5 units.
  • Drops slime balls when killed.

Shriekers are the next stage in the graboid maturation cycle. The squealer appears if the graboid lives for 1.5 days. The transformation cycle starts by immobilizing the graboid and taking damage from outside, during which it will lay down balls of mucus. After that, 3 squealers will hatch from it.

Shriekers are smaller than Graboids, but much faster than them. When the Squealer detects prey, it sounds the signal to its fellows. Beware of the appearance of a crowd of squealers.

For the mod to work, you need to enable Experimental options in the map settings
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