(full version)
- Android: 8,0+đź•Ł Updated
- CategoryDownload Minecraft
The developers have released an updated version of Minecraft, which not only fixed bugs, but also made some changes.
- One of the most significant changes was the addition of Frogs and Frog Light Blocks;
- There are three species that appear not only in swamps, but can also move on land;
- reproduction occurs depending on the biome by laying eggs in water;
Frog light - occurs when a frog eats a lava cube or slime. Three decorative blocks are available - brown-yellow, green and mother-of-pearl.
- Changing settings is available during the game, both in Realms and in the local world;
- The /loo command is back in the game;
- Hardwood placement is available on blocks such as dirt, garden bed, moss, turf, and clay;
- Availability of an updated table of trade for cartographers, butchers, itinerant traders and librarians;
- Glowing lichen and item spawn rates in caves are now the same as in Java
- If the game rule for taking damage from flames is not activated, then magma blocks do not damage the character;
There is no emerald icon above the heads of creatures.
- publishedMceadmin
- mediafire
Price $0
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