
(full version)

The developers presented the release version of Minecraft Bedrock (mediafire), in which they tried to improve the previously added functions, and also carried out painstaking work to correct the detected faults.

Added new full version of Minecraft 1.20.41

Among the main changes is the expanded functionality of Gunsmiths and Cartographers. In addition, new sounds and functions for mobs have been added. Below are the main innovations in the latest version of the game.

New opportunities

  • The developers have reworked the balance of some trading functions with villagers;
  • Many sound effects received additional processing;
  • The sound of diving into the water, as well as exiting the water, has changed;
  • The time for collecting water in buckets after placing them under a source has been fixed;
  • In the settings, the default spawn radius is set to 10;
  • A player falling from a great height while sitting in a boat will not take damage from the impact;
  • Damage from the impact is received by the entity on which the player is moving (In the event of the death of the animal, the damage is transferred to the passenger);
  • The Goat Horn signal reaches a distance of 256 blocks;
  • Combining water and lava works like the Java version;
  • Closing a chest located in a trolley, boat or raft will be accompanied by vibration;
  • The healing period for a zombie villager can vary from 3 to 5 minutes (random);
  • Sheep that have been shorn and have grown a new layer of wool will be able to get new wool after being killed;
  • Using the Camel's dash while in lava or water is no longer available;
  • Iron Golems do not spawn in a place whose height is less than 2 blocks;
  • The range of Witches targeting the player has changed (16 blocks);
  • Cartographers who are not in the overworld will no longer sell exploration maps;
  • Added new audio effects for Guardians, Cats, Wither Skeletons, Vessels, Water Splashes.

Corrected mistakes

  • Fixed partial passage through obstacles when the player floats using Wings;
  • The player does not receive the effect of the arrow if it is blocked;
  • Villages in the Nether and the Edge Region will not persist in the overworld;
  • Fixed filling of water buckets;
  • A bug related to the lack of the “Soul Speed” buff when the player slowly moved along the Sand of Souls has been eliminated;
  • Fixed a bug related to the Sniffer's digging ending prematurely after he found the Seeds;
  • Fixed the sliding of Camels, as well as the endless sprint when falling into Lava;
  • The plates are again filled in on the correct side.

Experimental Features

The developers continue to improve the system for trading with mobs in Minecraft.


  • To purchase Diamond Equipment from the Gunsmith, you will need Emeralds and Diamonds;
  • Those who have reached the Master level will be able to buy Iron blocks from you at a good price;
  • Sellers in the Taiga exchange individual pieces of Diamond equipment for others;
  • Jungle Weaponsmiths now sell Chain Armor;
  • Craftsmen trading in the Savannah biomes sell Cursed Diamond Armor at a big discount.


  • The range of Treasure Maps has been expanded (7 maps available);
  • New maps store the path to hidden Structures, Villages, or locations;
  • The range of maps sold varies depending on the biome.

All the above changes apply only to the current version of the game. If you are just starting to get acquainted with the Minecraft “Trails & Tales” update, then below is a short tour of the most interesting innovations of the current addition.

The Cherry Orchard

We present to you a new biome – “The Cherry Orchard”, which, without exaggeration, can be called the most beautiful location at the moment. As the name suggests, the main decoration of the biome is Cherry Trees - a new type of tree, which is a curved trunk with a voluminous pink crown of leaves. The animation accompanies a beautiful fall of leaves made of pink particles in the form of petals.

While traveling through the Cherry Orchard, you can meet 3 types of mobs - Sheep, Bees, and Cows.

If a new type of wood appears, we will also have a new type of material at our disposal - cherry wood blocks. The new material can be used to create interior items, fences, signs, boats, steps, hatches and other fittings. In addition to appearance, the use of cherry wood items will be accompanied by characteristic voice acting. These trees also have Cherry seedlings that you can use to create your own garden.


We are glad to introduce you to the long-awaited riding mob - the Camel. This is a completely unique mob, distinguished by its habits, hitbox and driving properties. Unlike a horse, which by default can only be ridden by one player, the Camel allows two players to ride it. To do this, you just need to place a regular saddle on the mob.

The Camel's enlarged hitbox also plays an important role for the rider, as it protects against melee attacks from aggressive mobs, including hoglins and zombies. And due to its long legs, the Camel is able to jump over fences 1.5 blocks in size.

The developers also added several movement options to the Camel, the choice of which will determine the running speed. Sitting on a camel, you can move at a calm pace, go into a gallop and make a dash that allows you to cover a distance of 12 blocks.

Sniffer Egg

Probably the most coveted item in Minecraft 1.20, which every player is trying to get their hands on. The egg is a red-green block from which a Little Sniffer can appear - a friendly mob that will help you find ancient seeds.

To get the Sniffer's Egg, you need to methodically clear the Suspicious Sand in the underwater ruins of the ocean. To clean the Egg you will need a Brush. The egg ripening time is 10-20 minutes, and will depend on what surface you install it on. To reduce the ripening time, install the Sniffer Egg on the Moss Block.

The new mob has a friendly character and useful qualities, including searching for the seeds of the Pitcher and Torch - new types of plants.

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