Minecraft Beta

Developers from Mojang continue to delight us with the release of test versions. A number of fixes have been added to Minecraft Beta Bedrock, as well as new features for Copper blocks and items made from this useful material.

Copper blocks

  • New copper blocks have been added, including: hatches, doors, light bulbs, grilles;
  • Carved Copper is a new material created using the Stonecutter from 2 pieces of oxidized copper blocks (with identical oxide).

Copper lamp

  • A new light source that can be adjusted in brightness using Redstone signals;
  • For crafting you will need 3 copper blocks (with an equal oxidation rate), Red Dust and a Fire Rod;
  • Depending on the level of oxidation of the light bulb, the lighting level will change;
  • To activate after installation, you need to use the Red Stone;
  • Cannot be a conductor;
  • Has an operation sensor in the form of Redstone, which signals the operating mode;
  • Synchronized with the Comparator (level 15 signal).

Copper grid

  • Crafted in the Stonecutter from 4 equally oxidized copper blocks;
  • Due to the lattice structure, it allows light and oxygen to pass through;
  • Does not transmit the Red Stone signal;
  • By default, hostile creatures cannot spawn on them.

Copper hatches and doors

  • Identical to wooden door frames, but tend to oxidize after some time;
  • Can be opened using a Red Stone signal.

Corrected mistakes

  • Updated appearance and animation of the Bat;
  • The work of the Sticky Piston does not foresee the game crashing;
  • Increased the volume of Decorated Vases breaking;
  • Pet leashes no longer break after restarting the game if the pet and owner are on different chunks;
  • The algorithm for calculating the attack range of mobs has been changed;
  • Burning mobs with weapons in hand do not spread fire to their targets;
  • The correct shield blocking system has been configured after the player drops a random item;
  • The player's progress will affect the tips that are displayed on the loading screen.

When installing the Beta (test) version, it is advisable to make backup copies of the worlds

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