Minecraft Beta

Minecraft Beta is a test version of the game, the release of which is aimed at further improving and optimizing the block universe. The developers continue to add and test new features that will open in release 1.21. We can already get acquainted with the Test Room, the Crafter - a new block for automating the crafting of items, and the cool mob Breeze, which will test players in the announced dungeon. This version corrects a number of errors and also adds new functions for copper doors and other blocks.

Major changes

The main innovations can be considered the expansion of experimental capabilities for copper blocks.

  • Copper grates now allow water to pass through;
  • Applying wax to a copper grate does not turn it into waxed copper;
  • A block of carved copper, as well as its visual modifications, can be created in the Stonecutter.

Corrected mistakes


  • Mining frosted ice using Silk Touch does not leave behind a trace of water;
  • The number of particles when mining Frog Game, Turtle Eggs, and Corals has been reduced;
  • A book enchanted with silk touch no longer interacts with beehives;
  • The extraction of Ice, including its varieties (matte, dense) is accompanied by a vibration signal;
  • Breaking the bed from below clears the player's spawn point;
  • A destroyed campfire can now yield 2 coals instead of 4.


  • Mounts (mules, donkeys and horses) controlled by the player will take damage from falling from a height;
  • The permanent construction of staircase blocks, as well as slabs, will not be located in a random order;
  • The amount of Void Gold Ore mined has been increased: with a regular tool - from 5 to 6 pieces, with an enchanted one - from 20 to 24 (with level 3 luck);
  • The amount of Lapis lazuli ore mined has been increased: with a regular tool - from 8 to 9 pieces, with an enchanted one - from 32 to 36 (with level 3 luck).

User interface

  • Fixed inventory orientation when using the keyboard of a mobile device, and added stack separation;
  • The strength scale displays the exact level of this characteristic;
  • The color coding of the enchanted item matches the color of the text found on the music record;
  • The game's loading screen shows tips (3 pieces) based on the character's progress;
  • Pressing the "Technical Information" button takes the player to the changes menu;
  • A new mailbox feature is included - “Friends”, showing the online mode of your friends, as well as the ability to add new friends and search for them.
When installing the Beta (test) version, it is advisable to make backup copies of the worlds

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