
(full version)

Minecraft Bedrock (mediafire) – we present to you another full-fledged release of the current week, in which we continue to further develop new content in the gaming universe. If in the last part the developers paid attention to fixing technical bugs, then in this version players can study in detail the functions of the experimental mode, get acquainted with new mobs - Breeze and Armadillo, and also master the Test Room. But we will tell you about everything in order.

The new release Minecraft 1.20.62 has been released

Experimental features

In the current release, the developers have added a new mob Breeze, a block: Test Spawner, as well as the winner of the user vote - Armadillo.


  • An aggressive and fast mob that lives in the Test Room;
  • Summoned using a block – Trial spawner;
  • Attacks with wind projectiles, causing enormous damage upon impact;
  • When hitting an enemy target or random block, air projectiles explode, throwing objects over long distances;
  • Capable of jumping over a long range, making it difficult to hit;
  • With his attacks he is able to activate mechanisms, including: doors, hatches, buttons, levers, bells, candles, and gates.

Test spawner

Trial Spawner is a new block that is a generator of mobs, as well as valuable prizes after defeating them.

  • Has variable difficulty, depending on the number of players participating in the test;
  • The value of the rewards is determined by the difficulty, as well as the number of monsters generated by the block;
  • The number of enemies created is limited, and is proportional to the difficulty mode;
  • The block spawns creatures only in its line of sight;
  • After successfully completing the test, the Trial Spawner block issues rewards to the winners and goes into sleep mode for 30 minutes. It cannot be restarted during this period;
  • Crafting is not possible in Survival mode;
  • The block is highly durable and resistant to explosions and other physical impacts;
  • Raiders cannot notice observer players.

Test room

A new dungeon for the bravest raiders who want to test themselves in battle against the Trial Spawner.

  • The complex consists of many corridors made of Tufa stone and copper blocks;
  • Can be found at the level of deep shale occurrence;
  • In the rooms you can find many chests with useful equipment;
  • It is the permanent habitat of Breeze.


  • A friendly mob that primarily lives in savannahs;
  • Hides when a threat is detected;
  • You can get Armadillo Shields (using a brush);
  • The scales are used to create Wolf Armor.

Wolf armor

  • Additional protection for your companion;
  • Can only be used on your tamed Wolf;
  • Scissors are used to remove armor from a mob;
  • Only the owner of the beast can equip and pick up armor;
  • The characteristics correspond to diamond equipment for a horse.

Corrected mistakes

During the long break, which was 1.5 months since the last release, players found a large number of errors, which the developers quickly fixed. Basic:

  • Fixed a crash when receiving the “Seven Seas” achievement;
  • Saving progress and exiting the game after destroying or breaking a block does not lead to a game crash. The error was observed only when the ray tracing function was activated;
  • Interacting with objects at high altitudes does not result in unexpected damage;
  • Players do not take fall damage while building blocks they are standing on, or from ledges when a false fall is registered;
  • You can control the inventory interface using the on-screen keyboard;
  • Switching to observation mode and back does not reset the player to the bottom block;
  • Boats do not fall under the blocks when they are installed on the surface;
  • The appearance of the villagers corresponds to their craft;
  • Mounted mounts again take fall damage when ridden by a player;
  • The radius of scattering of experience spheres during fishing has been reduced;
  • Spawning Zoglins in peaceful mode is impossible;
  • Sweet berry bushes do not cause physical damage to Bees;
  • Spawning of Wolves is possible in the Grove biomes, in places where Snow is located;
  • Blocks of frosted ice mined by Silk Touch do not leave puddles;
  • Mining Frog Game, Turtle Eggs and Corals are accompanied by fewer particles;
  • Pistons do not move the player to the starting spawn point;
  • Removing a sleeper through a bottom block correctly updates the spawn point;
  • Ice and its subspecies emit a vibration signal when extracted;
  • Removed re-inflation of Blowfish;
  • Mobs correctly avoid obstacles included in the list of items prohibited from interaction;
  • Timing for dealing ticking damage with Withered Roses has been reduced to 0.5 seconds;
  • Container screens do not remain in open mode after they have been copied;
  • Improved shading on double chest lids;
  • Eating apples again reduces the player's speed;
  • You can eat an unlimited amount of stew, even when your hunger bar is full.

Having completed the list of the main changes that were added in the Minecraft release, we continue the section of the most interesting features that the Mojang studio pleased us with.

New features of the latest updates

It is worth giving credit to the developers for the fact that they are trying in every possible way to improve the capabilities of items that were introduced into Minecraft a long time ago. And if the addition of new blocks does not cause us delight, then for the improvement of familiar objects we want to give a standing ovation.

This time the following have undergone a radical upgrade: Shields, Ender Pearls, Patterned Pots, Boats and Arrows.


  • Shield – This item will now follow the player’s gaze, allowing you to defend against attacks from any direction. This innovation is noticeable when playing in third person.
  • Ender Pearl – using this item for teleportation will be accompanied by a cool sound (the voice acting is identical to the movement of Endermen).
  • Patterned vases – favorite pots received the most detail. Among the interesting innovations are updated animation and voice acting, which will depend on the type of interaction (breakdown, movement). Vases are also a tool for storing items in the size of one stack. In addition, the Patterned Pots themselves can be stored in one stack in the amount of 64 pieces. And most importantly, vases can now be combined with Ejectors, Trolleys and Funnels.
  • Boats and arrows – the “Renaming” function is available for these categories of items. Now the player can independently name the boat with any nickname, which can be viewed by other heroes. And in case of death from a “Name Arrow”, the corresponding name will be displayed in the chat window.

Copper lamps

This item can be considered a new light source that you can “control” in the full sense of the word. The lamp received maximum elaboration and functionality. More details:

  • Lighting – the luminous flux of a flashlight depends on the degree of oxidation it undergoes over time. If you want to clean it, use an axe.
  • Turning on and off – the lamp reacts to the Redstone Pulse (the block itself does not conduct the Redstone signal through itself).
  • Crafting – to create you will need 3 copper blocks, 1 Ifrit rod, 1 Redstone Dust. When creating, it is worth considering the level of copper oxidation, which should be identical.

In addition, this block produces a signal using a Comporator, the strength of which is 15 units.

Copper grill

This is another useful block that is created with the participation of copper. The possibilities for using the item are endless and depend only on your imagination. Here are the most interesting features:

  • Permeability – thanks to the mesh structure, the lattice allows light and air to pass through. Thanks to this innovation, creatures trapped inside such a prison will not suffocate.
  • Antispam – due to its properties, it is impossible for hostile creatures to spawn on the surface of the grid, which provides additional safety for your hero.
  • Crafting – to create 1 lattice you will need 4 Copper blocks (in the Workbench), and 1 Copper block (in the Stonecutter).

Among other functions that this item is equipped with, one can highlight the blocking of Redstone signals that cannot pass through this block.

Copper doors and blocks

Among other functional blocks, the capabilities of which have been radically expanded in Minecraft, include new models of hatches, doors and blocks based on copper.

  • Blocks – in this category there appeared Carved blocks made of copper, on the sides of which a characteristic pattern will be applied. Created in a Stonecutter or Workbench.
  • Doors – are another functional element that can be created using orange metal.

Also, new objects differ in color palette, which corresponds to their oxidation levels.

In general, above I tried to summarize the most important Minecraft options that are now fully available for study and use during survival. In addition, the developers announced a lot of new features that will be added in future updates.

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