Minecraft Beta

Minecraft Beta (mediafire) – another test part, with additional gameplay improvements and technical fixes. There are practically no new features, but despite this, the authors worked on optimizing the game, which only benefited it.

Major changes

  • Voice-over text narrator reads instructions when you hover over or click on a specific area;
  • The developers have removed the warning from the 2-player subscription in the user interface;
  • Pressing the Escape key cancels sleep on the Bedtime screen;
  • A hint has been introduced for Android users who are sneaking to avoid getting stuck;
  • Mounts do not gain additional speed when moving while dismounted;
  • Opening hatches with Redstone does not knock the player back;
  • The operation of copper doors is accompanied by new voice acting;
  • A damaged anvil can be found in the Ruins of the Path;
  • Red Sandstone, Quartz Block, Sand, Mud received separate block names;
  • Adjusted the break time for the Smooth Quartz block.

Corrected mistakes

  • Fixed a bug with the temporary displacement of the “Torch” icon while moving in the player’s inventory;
  • Restored mobs animation playback on split screen;
  • Marketplace content is imported correctly before creating a new world;
  • Improved loading of certain areas in old worlds;
  • Fixed a bug with temporary flight of Bogged, which is located on a boat or trolley;
  • The chance of dropping rare loot from the Sinister Vaults is 80%;
  • Users no longer get stuck after canceling Realms login;
  • Logging into Relms does not throw users into the void.
When installing the Beta (test) version, it is advisable to make backup copies of the worlds

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