
(full version)

Minecraft Bedrock (mediafire) is a long-awaited update that brings a lot of cool innovations and useful features to the game world. During this time, the developers have improved gameplay stability and also tested some functions that we will be able to use in the current release.

Added the next full version of Minecraft 1.21.21

Major Changes

  • Bees that end up in the water take damage after 1 second;
  • Disabled speed reduction when dismounting from a mount;
  • Bogged lay their eggs in the water alone, not in the company of identical individuals;
  • Bears, Pandas, Wolves react to a dangerous environment (cold, lava, fire);
  • A Bogged mob's hit does not slow down a victim that is underwater;
  • A Bogged on a vehicle (boat, raft, cart) no longer flies over it;
  • Improved sound parody of a Parrot in the swamp area;
  • When killing a Witch, 4-8 units of Redstone dust drop;
  • Improved animation of creatures when playing on a split screen;
  • Attacking Breeze no longer gets stuck in textures under the roof;
  • Eating Pufferfish gives the player Nausea II;
  • Zoglins chasing the player emit scary sounds.

Block Operation Updates

  • Removed the flickering effect when moving scaffolding;
  • Copper doors can only be mined with a pickaxe that has a minimum strength equal to or stronger than stone;
  • The Crafter block's operation can be heard up to 5 blocks away;
  • Improved appearance of Trial Spawner textures;
  • The textures of Skull, Guster, and Flow Banner blocks have been mirrored;
  • Updated appearance of quartz slabs and sunflowers;
  • Different types of materials can be used to create double doors;
  • Improved scaling of the Heavy main block in the inventory and within items;
  • Fixed random placement of slabs and stairs at the bottom during continuous construction;
  • Tree foliage destruction is accompanied by the corresponding color of particles;
  • Disabled player knockback from Trapdoors and Fence Gates when activated using redstone;
  • Increased the number of slabs created from oxidized carved copper and Stonecutter (2 pieces);
  • When crafting quartz bricks from quartz blocks, you can get 4 finished bricks (instead of 1);
  • Brown and red mushrooms have a drop rate of 11.11% per mushroom;
  • Broken Anvil now spawns in trail ruins;
  • Ringing a bell with Wind Charge produces 1 beep (instead of 2);
  • In creative mode, it is impossible to access the door by destroying the top block.

New Wind Charge Features

  • Added the /summon command for Wind Charge and improved projectile appearance;
  • Mounted mobs have no resistance to Wind Projectile damage;
  • You cannot avoid a wind attack by crouching;
  • A trident with Riptide enchantment correctly reduces incoming damage to the player from falling from a height after a Wind Charge attack;
  • Wind Charge correctly protects the player from falling;
  • Wind Charge projectile throws cannot deal more than 1 damage per throw. Launch speed has also been increased by 50%;
  • Increased upward flight distance when using Wind Charge to 6 blocks (instead of 2.5 blocks);
  • Changed the position of the projectile throw and adjusted work on different terrains.

Other Items

  • Breeze rods received updated textures in third-person view;
  • Increased the speed of breaking webs with a mace;
  • A crushing blow with a mace does not knock back tamed creatures of the weapon owner;
  • Ropes are now tied to the bow of the boat;
  • Items moved by the player do not flicker when moving;
  • Banners are available in the recipe book.

Fixed Bugs

The main list of fixed bugs was transferred from the game's beta versions. Below I list the main ones:

  • Fixed voice acting for blocks (crafter, bulbs, copper, and tuff blocks);
  • Large-scale optimization of Realms functions;
  • Large-scale bug fix for customizing control elements and the user interface.

This is not the full list of innovations that the Minecraft release has pleased us with. This update is one of the largest in recent times, and accordingly, the scope of the above functions will be tested and improved in subsequent releases.

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