Minecraft Beta

Minecraft Beta – we present you a new Beta version on Android, in which the developers have added a lot of changes to the user interface, as well as the operation of the blocks. In addition, sound effects have been improved, and a number of errors affecting the optimization of the game have been fixed.

Main changes

  • Moss blocks now make a quieter sound when walking on them;
  • Leaves of azaleas and other trees are now displayed correctly, without black pixels in the distance;
  • Pale Oak leaf textures are now stable and do not change randomly;
  • Spawners with mobs now save settings and do not reset after reloading;
  • Open eyes now deal damage to bees inside, and the poisoning effect is now reduced in duration;
  • Decorated pots do not activate observers when loading the world, improving performance;
  • Sculk sensors now respond successfully to opening and closing of eyes;
  • Updated textures for all types of bricks, ensuring they are aligned evenly;
  • Sounds from Eyeblossoms and other objects have been optimized to be more similar to the Java version;
  • Mango leaves now have a unique texture when the "Fancy Leaves" option is disabled.

User interface

  • Added new features for screenshots: you can now set custom world thumbnails and share Feature and Showcase screenshots so that other users can see them on your profile;
  • Elements in the set are now highlighted with a gray background for clearer perception.
  • Fixed a bug where the camera would sometimes freeze after exiting the boat when using touch controls;
  • Package tooltips now appear correctly when hovering over them;
  • Gamepad hints have been fixed and now display correctly when interacting with the inventory and crafting screen.

Fixed bugs

  • Ravagers are now able to destroy all types of leaf blocks, increasing their destructive potential;
  • Fixed a bug where Skrip could pass through blocks when viewed from a distance;
  • Killing a wolf, bee, or silverfish with one hit no longer causes aggro in other mobs of the same type nearby;
  • Bees can no longer be attracted to closed flowers for pollination;
  • Open eye flowers now apply the poison effect to bees when feeding;
  • Wilting roses when feeding bees will give them the Withering effect, adding strategic depth;
  • Zombified Piglins will no longer become enraged when killing their fellows in one hit, reducing the risk of unnecessary confrontation.

These are far from all the innovations that the developers have pleased us with in the current beta version. Various technical changes have also been added that significantly improve the gameplay.

When installing the Beta (test) version, it is advisable to make backup copies of the worlds

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