Minecraft Beta
- Android: 8,0+🕣 Updated
- CategoryDownload Minecraft
Minecraft Beta is a test version on Android, in which the developers have added fresh improvements, equalized the differences between versions and eliminated many bugs. Here are the most important ones:
Main changes
- The Friends section no longer displays available worlds while playing Realms;
- Updated the text that appears during sleep if night skipping is disabled;
- Get the "Monster Hunter" achievement for destroying the Squeaker Heart if a Squeaker has already appeared nearby;
- The amount of experience for creating Tar Bricks from Tar Lumps is now 3 times less.
Updates for parity with Java version
- Squeaker's Heart has become more common in the Pale Garden region;
- The Sniffer Egg has limited block support at the top and bottom;
- Canyons can appear both on the surface and on the ocean floor;
- Shears can now be used on different types of vines (Cave, Seaweed, Twisting, and Weeping) while crouched;
- If you pour Water or Lava in front of a Cave Vine with Glowing Berries, they will disappear;
- Collecting Glowing Berries while holding Shears works correctly and does not collect both the berries and the Shears at the same time;
- There is now an animation of the hand swing when using scissors.
Fixed bugs
- The game no longer freezes when instantly stopping before dying;
- The passenger camera in the Boat no longer twitches;
- Issues with textures of open Packs have been fixed;
- We worked on various interface elements;
- Tall Grass now appears correctly when grown from Bone Meal on a Moss block;
- Tar Bricks no longer spawn in Forest Mansion chests;
- Squeaker's eyes no longer flicker after the Heart is destroyed;
- Fixed an issue with generating pits instead of Grass Paths in Savannah Villages;
- On Switch devices, account sign-in is no longer reset;
- Creakers from the Creaker's Heart no longer disappear after restarting the game.
When installing the Beta (test) version, it is advisable to make backup copies of the worlds
- publishedMceadmin
- mediafire
Price $0
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