Minecraft Beta
- Android: 8,0+🕣 Updated
- CategoryDownload Minecraft
Minecraft Beta – we present you a new test version of the game on Android. The new update features new types of Pigs, added particles for all Foliage, as well as improvements to the Magnetite block.
New Pigs
- Work in experimental functions mode;
- Warm and Cold Pigs with unique textures and shapes;
- Cold pigs spawn in cold biomes, and warm pigs spawn in warm biomes;
- Normal ones still spawn in neutral biomes.
- Can be found in Shattered Portals;
- Now crafted from Iron Ingot;
- The recipe is unlocked if you have an Iron Ingot or Magnetite;
- There is a new switch for experimental settings.
Main changes
- Added falling leaf particles to all types of Foliage;
- The Woodland Mansion can spawn in Pale Gardens;
- All types of Vine have their own sounds;
- Updated Foliage and Wood colors in Pale Gardens;
- The Pale Garden now generates more frequently and covers larger areas;
- The eye flower now opens at moonrise and closes at sunset;
- Updated Magma block damage sounds;
- Pistons, Sticky Pistons, Dispensers and Ejectors have been added to the Recipe Book;
- Fixed Enderman attack start time when looking at him;
- Zombie villager no longer spawns from the zombie spawner.
- You can rename them so they don't despawn during the day;
- They emit vibrations by swinging after receiving a blow;
- They appear with the moon and disappear with its setting;
- Additionally, new metal sounds have been added for the Iron Grate, Blocks, Doors and Plates.
Fixed bugs
- Incorrect display of grass under mob spawners;
- It is now possible to place blocks on Iron Doors and Hatches without crouching;
- Automatic Workbench malfunction;
- Application of Bone Meal to Pale and Dark Oak seedlings;
- Installing Large Hardleaf on Pale Moss;
- Game crashes when the Squeaker's Heart is destroyed;
- The appearance of Skripuns on the Snow Layer;
- Incorrect purchase text in the Game Store;
- Interface bugs have been fixed.
When installing the Beta (test) version, it is advisable to make backup copies of the worlds
- publishedMceadmin
- mediafire
Price $0
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