(full version)
- Android: 8,0+🕣 Updated
- CategoryDownload Minecraft
Minecraft for Android is the full version, which has been updated with new elements tested in the beta version. So, for example, a lot of bugs were fixed, and a section “Archaeology” was added, a new mob named “Sniffer”, and the system of emotions was improved. But first things first.
- Finalist of the game voting taking place on Minecraft Live 2022;
- New being of the universe;
- It is the first subspecies of the dinosaur family;
- Immune to taming attempts;
- Friendly creature;
- Due to his sense of smell, he is good at looking for ancient seeds;
- Can spawn with Torch Flower.
With the advent of this profession, new resources were introduced into the game, including:
- The Brush is an item used to remove Suspicious Sand. The brush also allows you to search for items in a desert area;
- Clay shards are items that can be found almost everywhere. Having collected fragments in the amount of 4 pieces, you can create a jug. In addition to fragments, a material such as Brick can be used to make a jug, but the resulting container will not have a side pattern;
- Suspicious Sand is a resource that can be found in Wells and Desert Temples.
The developers also worked on optimizing the operation of this option. More:
- The user interface has changed, making it easier to select emotions;
- Usage will be broadcast in chat;
- Can be set to "hot keys";
- If the player creates a new hero, 4 emotes are automatically applied.
- publishedMceadmin
- mediafire
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