Minecraft PE Beta

Minecraft PE Beta is a test update package that includes changes in the Experiment mode (4 pieces), 11 fixes, and 29 changes in the technical part of the game.

Experimental Features

4 changes have been added. Detail:

  • Removed the black stripes on the sides of the Bamboo fences as well as the lock gates.
  • Hanging signs made from Bamboo and Mangrove wood now display correctly in the creative inventory.
  • If playing outside of Experimental Worlds, using the Structure Block to move Experimental Blocks will show them as unknown items.
  • The lifting height of Camels on various obstacles has been increased to 1.5 blocks.

Version equality

The developers have introduced 3 changes aimed at comparing Bedrock and Java. Main:

  • If the player places a block above or below the Bell, the latter will not be destroyed.
  • Changed the drop of Sticks from Dry Bushes. Depends on the selected tool.
  • A blow to Clusters, as well as Amethyst Blocks, is accompanied by characteristic sounds.

Fixed bugs

A total of 11 bugs were fixed. The main ones:

  • When passing through the blocks, the camera does not touch the head of the hero playing in third person.
  • The Spectator player cannot pass through the End Portal.
  • Added a shaking animation for the Crossbow when it is in reload mode.
  • Airplane mode cannot be used if you cannot stand up to your full height.
  • Fixed filling Composter with material.
  • Improved keyboard functionality when a player enters text on an Android device.
  • The summon script does not create oblique objects.

Major changes

3 changes were included. Detail:

  • Redesigned the appearance of the In-Game Market icon in the sidebar.
  • Witches consumes Elixir of Fire Resistance while above fire.
  • The hero can get off the edge of the block if he is in crouch mode when the crouch key is in a free position. This feature applies only to openings that do not allow the player to stand up to his full height.
When installing the Beta (test) version, it is advisable to make backup copies of the worlds

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reload, if the code cannot be seen
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