- Android: 8,0+đź•Ł Updated
- CategoryDownload Minecraft
Minecraft for Android is the next release, where 154 bugs were fixed and work was done on 14 changes.
Added features
- There was a setting “Explosion of Respawn Blocks” - this is a function that prevents the explosion of Respawn Anchors from happening;
- "Angular mode" for the Structure block - a new possibility to specify the area to save.
Experimental mode
As is known from the representatives of the developers , 12 improvements were made to this mode. We can highlight the most significant:
- Generation of ore and landscape is a hundred better;
- Spaghetti caves - this is how the winding cavities between the caves were called;
- Monsters will now only spawn in darkness.
Technical improvements
The list of functions for the development of mods and addons has expanded.
The number of bugs fixed is very large, only a few of them can be noted:
- Sign errors found in previous versions have been fixed;
- The services menu has become better displayed;
- Existing servers load much faster;
- A loading indicator has appeared when servers are displayed for a long time.
- publishedMceadmin
- mediafire
Price $0
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