Mod: Infinity Gauntlet
| Mods & Addons
- Android: 8,0+🕣 Updated
- CategoryMagic
If you are a fan of the Marvel Universe, then you are familiar with such a powerful artifact as the Infinity Gauntlet. If you want to personally possess such a dangerous weapon, then immediately install Mod Infinity Gauntlet. The process of creating a glove, although slightly different from the film version, will also require perseverance, patience and desire from you. To get hold of such a weapon, you have to find a lot of materials, and methodically create each individual stone.
Most likely you remember that each stone is responsible for a separate force. If you're lucky and finish assembling the glove, you'll be able to defeat even the most dangerous creatures with little effort.
Shards that will become material for future stones can be found around level 9 underground. They will be located in the ore layers.
After you get the required number of fragments, proceed to craft the glove itself. To unlock the full potential of the artifact, collect all 6 stones.
The glove itself does not have to be worn on the hero: you only need to select a given artifact. Available to use the abilities of individual stones.
Glove Features
- To move between the stones themselves and their abilities, press the run keys.
- Selecting stones: Click on the sneak command and move between stones.
- Ability Selection: Tap on the sneak command to select the gem power of interest.
The complete assembly of all elements of the glove allows you to activate the main power - the instant destruction of enemies.
All components are available for obtaining by means of macros.
Android, iOS Available versions:
- publishedMceadmin
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