Mod: Prehistoric Life

| Mods & Addons

The Prehistoric Life mod is, without exaggeration, the largest build with ancient reptiles that you can find for Minecraft. Anyone who is tired of monotonous animals, and wants to plunge headlong into the world of the Jurassic period, will appreciate this add-on. The assembly contains almost all types of dinosaurs that inhabited our planet hundreds of millions of years ago. The addon is not limited to only one prehistoric period, and covers the entire time range in which these monsters existed.

Prehistoric Life


  • Damage dealt - 18-21 pts.
  • HP level - 500-600 units.
  • Places of appearance - savannahs and meadows.
  • Can lift heavy weights.


  • Damage dealt - 18-21 pts.
  • HP level - 500-600 units.
  • Places of appearance - savannahs and meadows.
  • Can lift heavy weights.


  • Damage dealt - 18-21 pts.
  • HP level - 500-600 units.
  • Places of appearance - savannahs and meadows.
  • Can lift heavy weights.


  • Damage dealt - 18-21 pts.
  • HP level - 400-500 units.
  • Places of appearance - savannahs and meadows.
  • Can lift heavy weights.


  • Damage dealt - 33-40 units.
  • HP level - 700-800 units.
  • Places of appearance - savannahs and meadows.
  • Can lift heavy weights.


  • Damage dealt - 15-16 units.
  • HP level - 300-400 units.
  • Spawn locations are savannas and forests.
  • Can attack the target from a running start.


  • Damage dealt - 17-21 pts.
  • HP level - 400-500 units.
  • Spawn locations are aquatic biomes.
  • Swims quickly in water.


  • Damage dealt - 33-36 pts.
  • HP level - 700-900 units.
  • Spawn locations are plains.
  • Can lift heavy weights.


  • Damage dealt - 30-35 units.
  • HP level - 700-900 units.
  • Spawn locations are aquatic biomes.
  • To accelerate the growth of the creature, salmon meat is used.

Dinosaur riding

  • First you need to tame the interesting dinosaur.
  • Select the saddle in inventory and put it in your hands.
  • Hold down on the sneak command and tap on the dinosaur inventory icon.
  • Set up a saddle for riding.
  • The dinosaur is ready to ride.
  • To order an animal to sit down, select a stick and press the dinosaur interaction button.
  • To remove the saddle, you need to perform the same steps, but using a stick.

In order for the ancient reptiles not to increase their population on their own, the assembly developer removed this feature. To get a new offspring, you need the presence of two identical special and special food. In the case of crossing predatory individuals, you will need to wear camouflage equipment.

The standard time for hatched eggs is 4 hours. If you need to speed up the process (up to 16 minutes), you will need a special incubator (Dodo).

Food to tame predators

Food for taming omnivores

Food for taming aquatic reptiles

Food for taming herbivorous reptiles

Food for taming winged dinosaurs

breeding process

To get a dinosaur egg, you need to find two identical individuals of the species of interest and offer an apple.

After the egg has been laid, wait for the hatching process to complete, which is 9 minutes.

Start taming them before they reach adult size.

Call signal whistle

  • In order to command a tamed dinosaur to follow you, you can use the Wooden Whistle. The item is extremely useful and allows you to summon a reptile even if it attacks the target.
  • 1 dinosaur bone or 1 board.

Whistle for the attacking team

  • Causes the dinosaur to attack the selected prey.
  • 1 bamboo.

Camouflage equipment

Required to breed carnivorous dinosaurs.

Summing up, we can say that the author really tried to include in his assembly all the elements of that period, but with his own knowledge. The above shows only a part of the available content, and if you are interested in all the features of the mod, you can study the screenshots below, or better, try this build yourself.

For the mod to work, you need to enable Experimental options in the map settings
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