| Mods & Addons
- Android: 8,0+🕣 Updated
- CategoryChange in the world
Mod PROJECT ONYX is a really cool addition that adds an interesting and challenging raid to Minecraft. The raid is a dangerous challenge in which you have to defend a special altar, which will be attacked by hordes of powerful enemies. The main feature is that you can start the quest in any convenient place and begin completing the test.
Altar of Summoning
To start a raid, you will need a special altar, which is responsible for summoning monsters from the other world. To activate the altar, you need to craft a special “ Onyx Crystal,” which must be placed in the center of the altar. Depending on the type of crystal inserted, the difficulty of completing the raid, the strength of the enemies, and the frequency of their raids will depend.
Creation of the “Onyx” crystal
To begin the challenge called Onyx Raid (standard difficulty), you will need to craft a Standard Onyx Pylon Crystal. To create it you will need the following materials: 4 units. light blue glass, 2 pcs. blue glass, 2 pcs. iron ingot, and 1 crystal.
Launching a raid
To start a raid you will need to approach the altar and interact with it. A question mark will appear in the middle of this block, which indicates that the block is ready for activation.
To activate the altar , place the “Onyx” crystal in the center of the block.
As soon as you place the crystal in the Altar, portals will appear on four sides, from which different creatures will begin to emerge. Your task is to prevent these monsters from destroying the crystal. In addition, the crystal has an initial reserve of health, which is restored over time. As soon as your health reaches 100%, the final boss will appear, which you must defeat.
Mini bosses
Here the developer tried to diversify the set of opponents as much as possible. Each wave of raids will be characterized by its own types of creatures. Monsters differ in abilities, battle tactics and numbers. Some of the monsters can call for help, block your attacks, counterattack, immobilize and otherwise complicate your work.
Head Boss
If you manage to survive all the waves of enemy invasion, and the altar’s health scale reaches 100%, then the main BOSS will appear on the scene - Alatar. Fighting him presents a difficult challenge, as he still summons auxiliary enemies that will attack the altar.
Onyx Sword
If you defeat Alathar, then with a minimal chance you can get the Onyx Sword, which allows you to control the power of the Altar. An attack with such a weapon allows you to spawn auxiliary items near the altar itself.
After completing the challenge and killing the final Boss, the result of your battle will appear on the screen. The number of rewards will depend on how much health the altar has left at the time of the final kill.
As with any raid, you can lose. This happens when mobs destroy the Onyx crystal.
To sum it up, PROJECT ONYX is one of the best raid addons that fans of the block universe can play. Stay tuned as more difficulty modes will be added in the future.
Android, iOS
- publishedMceadmin
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