
(full version)

Minecraft Bedrock (mediafıre) is another full-fledged release from Mojang, in which the developers continue to introduce us to the latest innovations in the block world. In this version, the developers paid attention to correcting critical errors that players quickly found during testing of the previous part.

New release of Minecraft 1.20.60 has been released

Corrected mistakes

This is a live hotfix from Mojang that includes fixes for 5 bugs:

  • Added support for the block function "minecraft:random_ticking";
  • The causes of crashes that periodically occurred when playing on Realms have been eliminated;
  • Switching between slots does not create duplicate items;
  • The “Emotions” section in the game’s wardrobe includes both acquired and non-player emotions;
  • Joining co-op play on PlayStation Plus consoles will prompt you for prerequisites.

As you have already noticed, the list of changes in Minecraft is small, despite the fact that only 1 week has passed since the release of the previous version. If you missed the latest announcements, below we will list the most interesting features of the game that were added in the recent update.

New Copper Block Items

Copper is considered one of the youngest building materials in Minecraft, but despite this, it has gained immense popularity among players due to its non-standard properties and behavior. For example, when exposed to the environment, copper blocks undergo oxidation. And if until recently the functionality of these blocks was limited, then in the latest release the developers have added a number of new items that can be created using Copper.

Among the new items in the game there are: Block of carved copper, Copper lantern, Doors and Hatches, Grilles.

All of the above items are created using regular copper blocks, a Stone Cutter, or a Workbench.

Most interesting features:

  • Lantern – switched on by a redstone pulse, the degree of illumination depends on the level of oxidation;
  • Doors - functions are identical to options made from other materials;
  • The carved block is a decorative element;
  • Lattice – allows air and light to pass through, does not allow redstone signals to pass through, and the spawning of hostile creatures is not possible.

In addition to the addition of new blocks, copper objects received a variety of external options through changes in oxidation state, as well as wax-coated options.

Patterned vases

Patterned vases were introduced from the first releases of Minecraft 1.20, but for unknown reasons they were neglected by the developers. In a recent update, the studio corrected its omission and added new functionality to vases:

  • Storing items - put various items in a pot, in the amount of 1 stack. The exact number depends on the type of item.
  • New sounds – now any interaction, including breaking with your hand, projectiles, swinging and normal interaction will be accompanied by cool voice acting.
  • Working with transport blocks – Patterned pots can now be connected to hoppers, minecarts and ejectors to load or pick up needed materials.


Perhaps the most interesting item recently added to the sandbox. The block is an Auto Assembler, designed to simplify and optimize the crafting process as much as possible. The properties of the block resemble a regular Workbench, with the exception that you cannot pick up a finished item from it.

Your task is to add the initial amount of materials, adjust the recipe, and then apply an impulse to the Redstone block. Next, the block will start the process of creating items based on the amount of available resources.

Useful features:

  • Cheap to manufacture - to create a Workbench you will need: Workbench, 5 Red Dust, 5 Iron Ingots and an Ejector;
  • Auto Feed - Can be combined with Ejector, Funnel and Chest to create a conveyor belt for item production.
  • Notification – any result of work (successful or unsuccessful) is accompanied by a sound signal. The Crafter can also be combined with the Comparator to produce a corresponding signal, which will depend on the slots you have configured.

I tried to list the latest ideas that the developers presented for our review. If you want to check out even more content, we recommend installing Minecraft Beta, which introduces a new mob for the first time - Armadillo!

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